
Where Residents &
Local Businesses

Download the app to unlock exclusive discounts from local businesses and explore community information & events.

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Download the App

Download the app to access the most up-to-date offers, events, and community information.

Browse Local Deals

Select your primary location, then filter by industry to find local deals that interest you!

Save & Redeem

Save an offer to use later, or click "Redeem" on the spot to save money at your favorite local business.

Why BlockParty

What to Expect

When you download BlockParty, you will see a home screen containing local highlights, featured deals, and things to do around town! 

For a customized experience and to redeem offers, create an account. Now you can save offers to use later or redeem them in-store on the spot!

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Find the BlockParty Near You!

BlockParty is expanding throughout the Denver Metro Area. Check back to find out when BlockParty hits your side of town!

Download the BlockParty App Now!

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